Lou Gehrig's Disease - Motor Neuron Disease - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Thought it had been cured by now? Still no known cause. Still no cure. Still quickly fatal. Still outrageous.

Monday, June 29, 2009

It Has Been An Interesting Day At

The teaser that ran on CBS news last night, resulted in a record traffic day today on this site. The big lesson for today is that people interested in ALS are searching online for hope and for facts (and they watch 60 Minutes).

Here are the top search strings that found this site today.

katie couric als skin
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michael goldsmith
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"katie couric cure for lou gehrig's disease"
"katie couric" als story 2009
60 minutes als june 28, 2009
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cbs lou gehrig's disease story june 29, 2009
cbs news a cure for lou gehrig's disease might be as close as your skin
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june 28 2009 + cbs news + lou gehrig's disease + cure
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katie couric cure for lou gehrig's disease
katie couric evening news on lou gerhings disease
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katie couric lou gehrig's 2009 this week
katie couric lou gehrig's disease story cbs evening news
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michael goldsmith als
michael goldsmith law
michael goldsmith newsweek
on the cbs news tonight, and 60 minutes, a promo said katie kouric would report a cure for lou gehrigs disease
reds july 4 2009 als
sixty minutes story on als on june 28, 2009
the today show "michael goldsmith"
tonight's cbs evening news with katie couric finding a cure for als
60 minutes als cure
als cure couric
katie couric cbs june 29th 2009 als lou gehrigs
the cure to lou gehrig's disease may be as close as your skin."


  1. Website traffic here hit another record on Tuesday and the new visitors were those with search terms that involved "Katie Couric" and "ALS."

    People hear a few words on television and hit the internet to see if there is new hope for a cure.

    America can do better than to have a disease where all we can do is "Google for a Cure."

  2. "Tease" was the perfect word for this. We all know about these skin samples for over s year, and we are no closer to a cure. Shame on Katie Couric and CBS for giving an illusion of a "breakthrough". It was very irresponsible journalism.
