Here’s the Pitch
World Series pitcher for the Boston Red Sox Curt Schilling threw some tobacco in his mouth, discreetly had a spit cup and was ready to talk melanoma with Sens. John McCain and Sam Brownback and Reps. Peter King and Charlie Dent at a reception Tuesday.
Schilling’s wife, Shonda, is a melanoma survivor and has been coming to CapHill for years to talk about cancer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but this year was the first with her husband, and she said she loved it because “no one cared about me.” The two created the Melanoma Shade Foundation, which has partnered with the Environmental Protection Agency to promote “Sunwise,” which educates school kids about the sun. (They started an ALS charity — Curt’s Pitch for ALS — in 1993.)
Here’s how it went down with McCain, who walked in, grabbed King and talked shop with Schilling. McCain: “You know King? All he’s good for is the Irish Republican Army.” Schilling: “Yeah, but he’s a good guy. He’s a Mets fan. He resisted the Yankees.” King: “I didn’t sell out to the Yankees like Giuliani did!” Schilling: “Yeah, but he had to do that.” First of all, King, isn’t it sacrilege for you to be here, being a New Yorker? “The Red Sox are a force of evil,” King said. “They really are.” Then we asked Schilling a few questions. Which congressman would you least like to pitch to? “Bunning.” (Jim Bunning was a pitcher, but whatever.) What pitch would you throw Rep. John Boehner? He laughed. “I’d ask for more funding for ALS research.” When you were with the Orioles, did you ever come to D.C.? “Twice.” Why? “To see a girl.” What do you think Congress should do about steroids? “What more can they do? It was of unscrupulous people making horrible choices. It wasn’t Congress’ fault.” Which congressman is most likely to be on steroids? “No chance! Good try though.” No one — not one — of those press-friendly congresspeople would answer that question. Dent nervously laughed. Brownback look horrified and said, “I don’t think I want to answer that one, sorry.” Not even Pete King would take a swing.
By Anne Schroeder Mullins 04:00 AM
ReplyDeleteALS fundraising, $10 million.
"K ALS" on a shoe with the world watching, priceless!
Appropriations won't save a single one of TODAY's ALS sufferers. But IPLEX might. See clear of the misinformation that research clinics throw out there. Learn the facts. Demand that Congress asks the FDA to stop obstructing a drug that is proven safe in humans and that they themselves acknowledge could stop the progression of ALS symptoms. JBR