May is ALS Awareness Month.
May is the month when hundreds and hundreds of people descend on Washington, DC, to talk to legislators about the ALS problem.
Washington, DC, is the city with one of the best public transit systems in the world.
Given the recent figures regarding the significant NIH research funding increase and the dwindling ALS proportion of NIH funds over the last few years, it's more important than ever that we make sure that people in our nation's capital understand that ALS has not come a long way since 1939 when we heard Lou Gehrig's farewell.
Washington, DC, loves baseball.
July 4 has the potential to be the biggest ALS awareness day in history when Major League Baseball brings its 4 ALS campaign to the world.
How could we make some visible signs of 4 ALS be in Washington starting in May? Is there a way to get WMATA to work with MLB to put some beautiful 4 ALS signage on the outsides of buses and on the insides of Metro cars and stations? Does anybody know how we might make this happen?
This image needs to be everywhere starting in May!
In some cities they print public service messages on the paper tickets that they sell.