If you are attending any of the ALS advocacy activities in Washington, DC, the week of May 9, please plan to be a part of a very visible display of the disease that steals our loved ones Piece by Piece. For many years the advocates have been holed up in their hotel meeting rooms and then scatter for a day on Capitol Hill. This year there will be a visible presence in very public places to make those who work and play in our nation's capital aware of ALS. It's edgy. It will be memorable.
The trailer hauling the display from Florida to Washington is even a rolling billboard.
If you know people who live in the Washington area, please ask them to stop by.
At the Navy Memorial (halfway between the White House and the Capitol Building directly on Pennsylvania Avenue, directly across the street from the National Archives)
Sunday, May 9, Mothers' Day
9 am - 5 pm
At the Capitol Reflecting Pool Plaza (on the west side of the Capitol Building)
Tuesday, May 11, Advocacy Day on The Hill
10:30 am - 6:30 pm
Those calling on legislators on Tuesday, May 11, are encouraged to invite elected officials and their staff members to stop by the display for a compelling lesson in the thief we call ALS. It will be a very short walk from all of their office buildings on Capitol Hill (and after seeing the display, being able to take a short walk should no longer be taken for granted).
Legislative staffs and media should not hesitate to contact Kamden, kkuhn@alsafl.org 813-637-9000, for information.
Here's hoping that this finally brings some national resolve to stop the wicked thief. Be there or be square.