AT LONG LAST there was some national media mentioning ALS in NFL players. Here's the 60 Minutes story on the aftermath of head trauma in the NFL.
CBS 60 Minutes Story
Look for the mention of Wally Hilgenberg.
Here is a list of professional football players with (or who have died from) ALS. If there are more, please let me know and I'll add to the list.
Eric Scroggins
O.J. Brigance
Glenn Montgomery
Pete Duranko
Peter Demmerle
Steve Smith
Tony Proudfoot (CFL)
Bob Waters
Matt Hazeltine
Gary Lewis
Orlando Thomas
Wally Hilgenberg
It seems worthy of some investigation. It may have nothing to do with head trauma, but who knows? It's outrageous that such a "who knows" disease has been permitted to go on like this.
Perhaps the NFLPA should be interested.
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