Urgent, eh?
It was urgent when we discovered that the ALS Registry annual meeting last summer was being blacked out.
It was urgent in December when we asked when we asked for an ETA on a detailed report from that meeting and got an incredibly arrogant "when it's ready" governmental response.
It was urgent weeks ago when we asked the ALS Association, the ALS Registry's chief lobbying organization, for verification of the cumulative cost to-date of the project (and we got crickets).
It was urgent when the second annual report was not published on time and we were kept in the dark.
It has been urgent every year when we have asked how the new proposed appropriation would be spent. Some details of a budget are urgent for any responsible steward asking for funds. We get none.
It is urgent that we be given the courtesy of information that we need in order to be informed, responsible advocates.
That's urgent.