Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Bo Knows Diddley
Monday, April 26, 2010
Lessons For Life, Indeed

The two-DVD set finishes with a moving tribute to Watson's 'caddie for life', Bruce Edwards, who passed away in April 2004 from ALS, or Lou Gehrig's Disease. The tribute concludes with a song written and composed by Watson's stepdaughter, Kelly Paige. A portion of the sales of 'Lessons of a Lifetime' will go to help find a cure for this dreaded, life-ending disease. The 'Tom Watson: Lessons of a Lifetime' DVD set is now available for $49.95 at select golf and sporting goods retailers, pro shops and on-line at The set is also available to purchase by telephone at 1-800-993-5589.
Here's A Caffeine Jolt To Kick Off ALS Awareness Month
For Better or For Worse ... or For ALS
Illinois is addressing an important public policy issue regarding caregivers and spousal status ...
"This legislation was the right thing to do. It's one of those times when
common sense and public policy became one and the same."
What A Difference Eleven Years Make
This is a beautiful article by Phillip B. Wilson in the Indianapolis Star about a coach who took his team and a community to the Little League World Series and now deals with Lou Gehrig's Disease.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Piece by Piece, ALS Is Stealing Our Loved Ones
p.s. If you have lost a loved one to ALS, please help expand the Piece by Piece display and the message by remembering your loved on in the display in Washington, DC (and wherever it travels after). Sons and daughters, if you lost your Mom to ALS, what better way to remember her on this Mothers' Day! Sponsor a mannequin . We will not forget and we will not let the world forget.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
What Will You Do To Observe ALS Awareness Month In The U.S. This May?

a. Enlighten just one person each day in May about ALS. Strike up a conversation. Mention that there is still no known cause and still no cure.
b. Follow the Piece by Piece display as it goes from Florida to Washington, DC, to get the attention of those who work in and visit our nation's capital.
c. Sponsor a mannequin in the Piece by Piece display to remember someone lost to ALS. Expand the tribute and continue to honor a loved one.
d. Join people worldwide in prayer the weekend of May 7-9
e. Participate in the ALSA Advocacy Conference and Day on Capitol Hill
f. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper explaining the urgency of dealing with the ALS problem, especially ALS in the military.
g. All of the above
Calling May "ALS Awareness Month" doesn't make it happen. We all need to raise the noise level about ALS so that the public understands the enormity of the problem.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Prepare Your Elevator Pitches To Strike Out ALS

The nice big headquarters hotel for the upcoming ALS Advocacy Conference attracts a lot of advocacy meetings. Here are some folks we know will be there at the same time as the ALS advocates -- American Academy of Family Practice. Can you think of a better group to have an elevated ALS awareness?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thanks, Ravens
Some Games Have More Than One Winner

Monday, April 19, 2010
There Are Heroes and Then There Are Superheroes in the Battle Against ALS
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Perhaps 60 Minutes Could Do A Whole Season on ALS

How many ways are there to take advantage of those with a quickly fatal disease with no known cause and no cure?
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
ALS Advocacy Days Are Coming Soon
Also, don't forget the compelling display to be shown in Washington, DC --
Finally, there is another important movement for the weekend of May 7-9 --
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
And What Does This Mean For ALS Projects?
FASEB Releases Data on NIH Research Funding Trends, Highlights the Need for
Sustained Funding in FY2011
Posted on : 2010-04-07 Author : Federation of
American Societies for Experimental Biology
News Category : PressRelease
BETHESDA, Md., April 7 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Federation of
American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) has released an updated
compilation of data on research funding at the National Institutes of Health
(NIH), as well as a statement about how current trends could affect biomedical
research in FY2011. "Based on projections from the President's budget summary,
we will see a significant decline in the number of grants in FY2011 at the
proposed funding level," said Howard Garrison, Ph.D., Director of FASEB's Office
of Public Affairs and author of the data resource. "This represents a reduction
of research capacity and the potential delay or interruption of promising new
efforts to find treatments and cures for life-threatening diseases."
"While it is clear the President recognized the importance of investing
in biomedical research, based on the 3.2 percent increase he proposed in his
FY2011 budget, the supplemental appropriations the agency received in FY2010 has
created a wealth of emerging opportunities that cannot be ignored," stated Mark
O. Lively, Ph.D., FASEB President, "We want to ensure that policymakers
understand that our progress against devastating conditions like cancer and
Alzheimer's disease depends on sustaining the momentum of our current
enterprise. This is more than just a trend in data; it is symbolic of a
diminishment of hope."
FASEB hopes the series of graphs and analysis,
which provides information on expenditures for research grants, grant numbers,
success rates, and average award sizes, will help policymakers understand the
case for sustained funding for biomedical research. To that end, FASEB has
recommended that Congress appropriate $37 billion for NIH in FY2011.
To view the FASEB NIH data resource, please visit:
FASEB is composed of 23 societies with more than 90,000 members, making
it the largest coalition of biomedical research associations in the United
States. FASEB enhances the ability of scientists and engineers to improve -
through their research - the health, well-being, and productivity of all people.
Our mission is to advance health and welfare by promoting progress and education
in biological and biomedical sciences through service to our member societies
and collaborative advocacy.
SOURCE Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology
This Year There Are Many Ways To Be A Part Of ALS Advocacy Days in May
You can attend the ALSA conference activities
You can experience the Piece by Piece exhibit in person or sponsor a mannequin to honor a loved one (or better yet, do both)
You can exercise democracy and call on your elected officials.
You can attend an ALS 101 presented by ALS TDI
Please pick some or all of the above.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Matt White's Words Being Delivered To The Butler Bulldogs
It includes lessons for life, lessons in ALS, and lessons for a team that doesn't quit.
The ALS Association Florida Chapter is maintaining a very nice compendium of media coverage of Matt White's trip to the Final Four at
Saturday, April 3, 2010
This Is A Beautiful Column On Hoops and ALS
It is on the front page of the Final Four Indianapolis Star.
Friday, April 2, 2010
ALSA 2010 Public Policy Priorities Have Been Posted
Appropriate $10 million to continue the National ALS Registry at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Appropriate $15 million to continue the ALS Research Program (ALSRP) at the Department of Defense (DOD).
Thursday, April 1, 2010
The New York Times, Matt White, Butler, Final Four
Published: April 1, 2010
Matt White, a former Butler track athlete who has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, will watch Butler play its first Final Four game.