Thursday, March 2, 2017

Solutions Don't Have To Be Complicated Or Expensive

Goal:  To encourage participation in ALS clinical research.

This morning there are 79 recruiting ALS trials at About half of them are interventional.


Pay an impecunious college student (preferably one with a parent with ALS) $15 per day to post a daily tweet and Facebook post featuring one of the trials.

That is not hard.  It takes effort and a reliable student and a budget of around $5000 per year.  It provides a precious very part-time work opportunity for a student in need of cash.

This will cycle information about every recruiting trial to those dealing with ALS every 2-3 months.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for voicing exactly what we are feeling in the ALS community, frustration, anxiety and lack of hope and that's just in regards to clinical trials!!!
