Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Difference Between Hope and Hype Is A Single Letter

We learned a lot from the discussions at ALSTDI's conference today.

One of the afternoon panelists made the statement that stuck with many of us -- The difference between hope and hype is just one letter.

I've longed for some kind of Pinocchio-meter for all of the "promise" touted in the fight against ALS.  Perhaps we can use a Hope-Hype image that fades to the correct vowel when time reveals the truth.

Please tame the hype.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I’d like to inform you that Toronto Ankara Library 6th short Story Contest Special Award winner is Zehra Madenli.
    Zehra is an ALS patient and the only part in her body that she can use is her eyes.
    For his articles, short stories and poems, Zehra is literally selecting each and every letter and punctuation with a blink of an eye.
    Her dedication to the literature has suddenly become an inspiration not only for other ALS patients in Canada, but also for many other writers among us.
    In her acceptance speech, Zehra said “A new window opened in my world. You made me experience the feelings of plunging into the clear waters from the boiling ones, observing the colors of the rainbow after the rain or the happiness of the fireflies on a warm summer night.
    Today, on a turning point in my life, I would like express my gratitude all the people at Ankara Library who organized this event and allow us to find the diamond in the rough within our darkness and turn it into a beautiful jewel.”
    More at
    Please join me congratulating Zehra for her success.
    Birol Uzunmehmetoglu
    Ankara Library of Toronto
    Toronto’s Ankara Library is non-profit community library founded in 2000 and awarded numerous times, including Ontario Government’s Newcomers Champion award.
